Those with direct knowledge of fraud can file a claim. In this case reported on by Susan Taylor Martin on tampabay.com, the doctor operated on Murray seven times for skin spots that experts later found were not malignant. She reported the misdiagnoses to the federal Medicaid fraud unit and to the state's Department of Health. Neither responded. When she talked to Ferrara, Ferrara knew of several other patients who had been diagnosed multiple times. The doc operated on 13 patients 20 or more times. One patient was operated on 122 times.
Murray and Ferrara decided to file in federal court. The litigation took 4 1/2 years. Ferrara suffered financially because other doctors did not want to hire a whistleblower.
Ultimately, the two prevailed, and Ferrara's financial worries are over for now. She plans to help the food banks because they helped her. Murray plans to donate some of her settlement to an organization that provides guide dogs for the blind.